Monday, May 21, 2018

To some bigots, gays simply breathing is 'promoting a homosexual agenda'

I want you to read the following article which was published by SPLC-designated hate group American Family Association's One News Now:

Texas parents are commending their local school board for suspending an elementary art teacher who repeatedly refused to stop promoting the LGBTQ lifestyle to her students.
Besides being suspended for pushing the LBGTQ agenda on students, Charlotte Anderson Elementary teacher Stacy Bailey was also pressuring administrators to modify the district's anti-discrimination policy to include LGBTQ language, according to Dallas News
Texas Values Policy Analyst Nicole Hudgens maintains that the mainstream media distorted the story to help further the homosexual agenda. 
"And the media took the story, totally twisted it and said she was fired for asking questions,” Hudgens explained. “And in reality, she was placed on paid leave because she was talking about issues that were inappropriate for elementary school students."
The conservative advocate also pointed out that at a recent board meeting, concerned parents outnumbered those who were there to push for adding sexual-orientation and gender-identity policies in the school district. 
"They were outnumbered by parents who said, 'We don't want this in our school district, nor do we believe that it's right that it's being talked about – that these issues are being discussed in our elementary school,'" Hudgens noted. 
The school board told those in attendance that any policy review would take place after the elections this month – and after new assignments to the review committee are in place.

The One News Now article was badly written and contained numerous errors. It claims that parents supported Bailey's dismissal but the link it included from the Dallas News  contained quotes from  many students and parents who actually supported Bailey. In fact the article featured a photo of them holding up signs of support.

But more to the point,  the One News Now article seemed to be pushing an angle rather than attempting to tell an accurate story. Check out the first paragraph:

Texas parents are commending their local school board for suspending an elementary art teacher who repeatedly refused to stop promoting the LGBTQ lifestyle to her students. Besides being suspended for pushing the LBGTQ agenda on students, Charlotte Anderson Elementary teacher Stacy Bailey was also pressuring administrators to modify the district's anti-discrimination policy to include LGBTQ language, according to Dallas News.

What exactly did Bailey do to supposedly "promote the homosexual agenda?" According several reports, she showed students a picture of her girlfriend and future wife:

 Last August, Bailey showed her students at Charlotte Anderson Elementary in Arlington, Texas, photos of her parents, her best friends and her “future wife” during a “Get to Know Your Teacher” presentation. Later that week, according to Bailey’s lawsuit, a parent complained to the school board and the superintendent that Bailey was promoting a “homosexual agenda” in the classroom. 
The complaint eventually led to Bailey being placed on administrative leave in early September and then being asked for her resignation in late October, which she refused to give, according to the lawsuit. Despite requesting to return to Charlotte Anderson, Bailey was reassigned to a high school in the district this month.

Bailey is now suing the school district which, for its part, said the following in a press release:

The District’s concerns regarding Ms. Bailey are not about her request to have our nondiscrimination policies reviewed and/or revised with regard to LGBTQ rights. Mansfield ISD welcomes that discussion through the District’s established policy review committee. Rather, the District’s concern is that Ms. Bailey insists that it is her right and that it is age appropriate for her to have ongoing discussions with elementary-aged students about her own sexual orientation, the sexual orientation of artists, and their relationships with other gay artists.

"Promoting a homosexual agenda," is a semantic statement which the LGBTQ community is unfortunately familiar with. It's meant to sound sinister and in reality it is sinister, although not in the way folks would think. When someone accuses us of "promoting a homosexual agenda," they are saying that us gays are acting uppity. They don't like the fact that we are rebelling against the image they have of us, i.e. being an LGBTQ is all about sexual behavior.

What I mean is that if Bailey's fiancee were a man, she wouldn't be having this trouble. No one would accuse her of attempting to "promote a heterosexual agenda." But because she is a lesbian and didn't treat her sexual orientation like some secret she should be ashamed of, she's accused of "trying to promote a lifestyle."

It's gibberish designed to foster an idea of second-class treatment. The LGBTQ community has won the right to marry, raise children, and have families. But some people don't want any public acknowledge that we are in fact doing all of those things. And you can tell this in their phraseology and syntax when they say things like "homosexuals are coming into school and trying to recruit children" or "homosexuals are attempting to promote their lifestyle to kids." God forbid that they acknowledge that we are raising children just like them and some of those kids in schools are in fact LGBTQ themselves.

It's not by accident that people like Franklin Graham and organizations like the American Family Association hardly ever  talk about same-sex families or LGBTQ children. What these folks do is put their fingers in their ear and spin conspiracy theories about "agendas" and "recruitment" to drown out reality. And they hope that if they talk loud enough, repeating the same lies, the definition of our lives will be theirs to control.

There is nothing wrong with what Bailey did. But the accusation against her serves to remind the LGBTQ community about how those against our equality simply won't give up. When they can't beat us in the courts, they busy themselves with the overuse of semantic gibberish which hangs above our heads like a rhetorical sword of Damocles. It's their way of trying to remind us where they think our place in society should be.

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