Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Jeff Sessions' conservative evangelical supremacy task force . . . er . . . 'religious liberty' task force is very unpopular' & other Tue midday news briefs

Based on tweets like these, Jeff Sessions'  conservative evangelical supremacy  'religious liberty' task force is very unpopular.

Twitter Rains Hell On Jeff Sessions’ New Religious Liberty Task Force - This picks up my spirits big time. Jeff Sessions' conservative evangelical supremacy 'religious liberty' task force is highly unpopular because no one is fooled about its actual goals. And it has been dragged through twitter. I say we continue to drag it through twitter nonstop.

Jeff Sessions’ Justice Department Promotes Religious Right’s Take On Religious Liberty - Just in case you need more confirmation as to what Sessions and his cohorts in the religious right are attempting . . . 

Justice Department’s new “Religious Liberty Task Force” highlights the agency's troubling ties to Alliance Defending Freedom - Or the hate group helping to force it on America  . . . 

Trump administration says it’s time to stop punishment of anti-gay African countries - Or ways this task force and mess like it will probably harm LGBTQ safety . . . 

 Rude comment at 'Religious Liberty' Summit reveals ignorance & desire to erase LGBTQ taxpayers - Because those pushing this task force don't care about the LGBTQ community. They want to erase our children, our families, and our dignity as taxpayers. 

Our Tax Dollars Shouldn’t Fund an Anti-LGBTQ “Religious Freedom Task Force” - Basically hell yeah. But calling it a “religious privilege task force” is too nice. We need not pussyfoot about this monstrosity of a sham of a mess this task force actually it. It is a Conservative Evangelical Supremacy Task Force.

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