Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Pat Robertson claims 'Drag Queen Story Hour' is going to bring God's 'judgment' on America

Drag Queen Story  Hour is an event which has been taking place  across America for a long time now. It's when drag queens read stories to young children in order to encourage inclusiveness and tolerance.

And while religious right groups have been attacking repeatedly it, they really have no ground to stand on because Drag Queen Story Hour is very popular with children and their parents, who of course have to give their permission for their children to attend. And sometimes these parents also attend and enjoy themselves.

Still, that doesn't keep religious right and anti-LGBTQ personalities like 'The 700 Club' host Pat Robertson from raging about it. Geez, Pat Roberson is so decrepit here that you can practically see the dust coming out of his mouth. It's like watching a religious right version of 'The Mummy.'

Yes, what I said was cruel and I almost didn't want to post this.  But then I remember when I was young and trying to come out, how watching 'The 700 Club' and Pat Robertson attack LGBTQs made me feel so awful.  I don't consider this a revenge post, but a simple reminder about whose time it is right now.

Lastly on that same note, it seems to me that if God was going to "judge" America, I think He would be looking at things other than drag queen reading books to children and their parents. Such as a certain Orange Menace populating the White House who steals children from their parents and puts them in cages and generally wrecking the integrity of this country.

Hat tip - Right Wing Watch

1 comment:

  1. Fucking hell, pat's been saying that bind thing or another is going to bring down the wrath of God for decades now. Put up or shut up, God!
