Wednesday, October 03, 2018

''Taught to hate myself': How ex-gay therapy is thriving in SC' & other Wed midday news briefs

'Taught to hate myself’: How gay conversion therapy in SC is thriving - How the fraud of 'ex-gay' therapy is thriving in my state of South Carolina. Kudos to the Post and Courier for a wonderful article. 

 Texas Governor Says “Bathroom Bills” Are No Longer on His Agenda. Should You Believe Him? - Should we believe him? Hell no simply as a matter of precaution.

Family Research Council applauds Trump's new visa policy because, quite simply, it hurts gays - Repost from last night. I guess with Trump in power, FRC and groups like it don't have to pretend to not hate the LGBTQ community. 

Evangelical University Lifts Ban On Same-Sex Couples, Then Reinstates It - Make up your minds, folks.

The Radical Friendship Of Lorraine Hansberry And James Baldwin -
Two giants of Black History and both were LGBTQ.

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