Sunday, December 09, 2018

Celebrities who came out in 2018

With all due respect, I have no patience with those who whine about what's with making a big deal when a celebrity comes out of the closet. I'm too busy thinking of the wasted time I had being fearful of coming out, the relationships I missed, or the dances, semi-formals, and dates I could have had if I had been a bit more courageous.

 I say "hush and let those of us who know what it's all about enjoy it." Granted the list above probably isn't as thorough as it should be, but it's a start of something me and mine wish for - a time when we won't be needing videos like this because coming out will be no big deal. Because there will be no risk.


  1. I do think that when a celebrity comes out, it can sometimes spur on a non-celebrity to take that first step.
    And that's a good thing because visibility, in the world, is key to ending homophobia and Hate Crimes. It make take some time, but one day ....

  2. Thank you Alvin. Your words are indeed wise. I embarked on truly honest journey in my very early twenties and have never looked back.

  3. Lucas Hedges made an extremely vague statement along the lines of "I don't identify as straight or gay, I don't know what my sexuality is, I'm so young." That's not exactly "coming out" to me. I can't see inside his head and I think it's positive that millennials and teens are more open to pansexuality and ambiguous but non-heteronormative forms of sexuality than Gen. X and baby boomers. But his comments read to me as "I'm starring as a gay character in a high-profile movie in a time when there's a political demand that such characters should be played by openly gay actors, so I'd better say something that makes it sound like I'm not heterosexual without taking any real risks."

  4. ReganD4:54 PM

    Paris Jackson?
    I'd that family, her own father had problems with all kinds of identity.
