Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Willful ignorance plays a huge part in harming our transgender children

In a post earlier today, I wrote about a controversy involving Peter Vlaming,  a Virginia teacher who was fired for disrespecting a transgender student. I used the controversy to demonstrate how the anti-LGBTQ industry creates and then exploits fears to undermine the LGBTQ community in general.

Unfortunately, I forgot one  ingredient - ignorant adults who attack the transgender community even to the point of making fools of themselves. I apologize to those who may be offended by this exchange, which I snipped from Twitter. I deliberately blotted out the name of the person I was conversing with:

His comments were simply inaccurate and rude. I wouldn't blame anyone for succumbing to the temptation of cursing this man out. However, I took a higher road and simply blitzed him with some facts. Subsequently, he wouldn't converse any longer with me:

Related post - Peter Vlaming controversy demonstrates why we need proper education of trans issues & knowledge of transphobic propaganda tactics

1 comment:

  1. I am so impressed by the work you do everyday. Your efforts do not go unnoticed. 50 years ago these bigots were calling me "disordedred"for being my Gay self. Now they are after trans kids. As a retired teacher, the cruelty of these attacks breaks my heart.
