Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Anti-LGBTQ evangelicals continue to debase themselves in defense of Trump

Whether it be Jerry Falwell, Jr's embarrassingly un-Christian interview defending Trump (for which he was rightfully vilified for), Franklin Graham's tone deaf claim about the media unfairly targeting Trump, or the American Family Association's pushing of Trump's lie that Obama has a wall built around his house (even after the claim was refuted), it's rather sad to see the anti-LGBTQ evangelical right end 2018 and begin 2019 debasing themselves in front of the nation to stay in Trump's good graces.

Sad that is, except for those of us who always knew they were phony. However even the most jaded of us simply have to be shocked at what the Family Research Council is doing to pass Trump off as a latter-day Franklin Roosevelt cum Ronald Reagan. Apparently the organization is presenting a different view of the government shutdown which is plaguing the country.

You know the shutdown which Trump said he would own because he wants us to pay for some ridiculous and disgustingly expensive border wall. A border wall, mind you, that he said repeatedly that Mexico would pay for.

Of course in its Washington Update, FRC doesn't include any of this. Instead the group chose to post stuff like the following:

This shutdown is playing an important role in setting the tone for government for the next two years. As we move into a new Democrat-controlled Congress, the president's resolve will be tested against legislators bound to obstruct him at every move. Unlike other politicians who come to the negotiating table waving a white flag, President Trump is standing firm for his promise of border security. Donald Trump campaigned on border security, and he is simply keeping his promises to the American people. 
President Trump strongly believes, and I agree, that it's time to take our border security seriously, because we care that American greatness can safely be offered to all who come here legally. Our hard-won freedom must be protected by the rule of law. Failure to preserve this rule of law will lead to a loss of freedom and safety for all Americans.

God Lord! What kinda of wannabe Kate Smith singing 'God Bless America' bullshit is this?

The tackiest thing about all of this is that these evangelical groups and figures aren't fooling anyone. Granted, they have their followers who will believe anything they say, but for the most part, as they continue to praise Trump, build up Trump, or kiss Trump's butt, they are merely digging a hole in which their credibility will continue to fall.

Why do they do it? This article from Buzzfeed gives a good indication. It could be all about the judges he appoints and how their agenda could be fulfilled via these judges.  This opinion piece, via The New York Times, claiming how Trump fulfills their hidden lust for a dictatorial nationalist government also makes a wonderful argument.

But in the meantime, will they ever reach bottom? I personally don't give a crap because I'm remembering all of the times when these folks attacked the LGBTQ community. All of the times they called us evil or godless. How they constantly ruminated on our supposed sins and spun (hell, they still spin those stories) about how we are plotting to put Christians in jail or recruit children.

This new position they have carved out for themselves as Trump's unofficial excuse force could be a negative game changer for them having the power to continue peddle lies about the LGBTQ community. That is if I'm not the only one who is petty enough to collect receipts.

Come on, my LGBTQ brothers and sisters. Don't let me be alone here. Now is the perfect time to be petty.  

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your assertion that this "new position they have carved out for themselves as Trump's unofficial excuse force could be a negative game changer for them having the power to continue peddle lies about the LGBTQ community". Their numbers are already in decline, and they are no longer even a majority (indeed, religious "nones" outnumber self-identified Christians by a firm majority), so their support for Trump may be their last chance at glory on earth. But their end is coming, because Trump won't last forever and his judicial candidates may not survive either (they can be recalled if he's ultimately impeached, although it is a laborious process and must be done for each judge, but it certainly can be done). I think these people are seeing their last days of earthy leadership. Their end cannot happen soon enough for many, but it is indeed coming.
