Thursday, January 17, 2019

Evangelical hate group: Stop picking on Karen Pence because she may think LGBTQs are second class citizens

2nd Lady Karen Pence
 From the Family Research Council:
. . . the Pences are not strangers to the other side's viciousness. Every time the media is reminded about the family's faith, they become hysterical all over again -- a scene that played out this week when Karen announced she'd be volunteering at Immanuel Christian this spring. "I am excited to be back in the classroom and doing what I love to do," she said in a statement. "I have missed teaching art, and it's great to return to the school where I taught art for 12 years." 
She can't go back there, LGBT activists raged! They reject homosexuality! Yes, well, that's what orthodox Christian schools do. (Not to mention Jewish and Muslim ones too.) Would it have been headline news if Jill Biden taught at a Roman Catholic school? Probably not. Yet, the Left and their media chums are hurling profanity at the Pences for something that, even five years ago, wouldn't have been controversial. Frankly, the only thing that would have been shocking is if Karen worked at a Christian school that didn't act like a Christian school. 
CNN's Kate Bennett was just one of the talking heads who doesn't get it. "So, lemme get this straight," she tweeted, "the second lady of the United States has chosen to work at a school that openly discriminates against LGBT adults and children?" "So, lemme get this straight," Ben Shapiro fired back. "You're a reporter but you've never heard of religious people before? 'BREAKING: Pence's wife is working for a Christian school that requires that Christian students pledge to abide by Christian standards of sin that have not changed in 2,000 years.'"

Well of course, the  Family Research Council, an organization designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center because it routinely:

cites junk science to demean the LGBTQ community, 
defended Uganda’s “kill-the-gays” bill, 
falsely claims a link between homosexuality and pedophilia, 
employs a person who said he want gays "exported" out of the United States

thinks that 2nd Lady of the United States Karen Pence is being subjected to "religious discrimination" when people call her out for choosing to teach at a school which discriminates against LGBTQ adults and children.

The Family Research Council's brand is all about undermining LGBTQ safety and equality via lies while hiding the veneer of religion. Of course Mrs. Pence's actions aligns with its values.

THAT is the problem. The 2nd Lady of the United States has no business acting such a manner that she has to be defended by groups which specialize in bigotry.

Related post: Karen Pence's homophobia is bad. The homophobia of her defenders is worse

1 comment:

  1. Well, I kind of agree that she is who she is and as such would obviously choose to associate with an anti-gay evangelical school. No surprise. The real problem is that her husband is the VP of these United States and he is who he is and as such has more than a great deal of influence in governmental affairs and policies. He is ever more dangerous than she is; and looking at him smiling in the background, one knows he is just biding his time...
