Thursday, January 24, 2019

'South Carolina proves religious exemptions being used as a weapon to undermine same-sex parenting' & other Thurs midday news briefs

By weaponizing religious exemptions, the anti-LGBTQ industry is attempting to undermine the ability of LGBTQs to foster and adopt children.

Trump gives South Carolina foster agency the right to discriminate against LGBTQ & Jewish people - With all of the madness in the Trump Administration, people are missing a lot of things. Unfortunately, a passive-aggressive war on same-sex families is on of these things. By weaponizing Christianity, right-wing evangelical groups and public figures are deliberately undermining the ability for LGBTQs to form and take care of their families. Bear in mind that the situation here in South Carolina only scratches the surface.

Christians launch deceptive social media campaign targeting gay parents - My article in LGBTQNation last year speaks on this. There is a coordinated effort to use Christianity as an excuse for "faith-based" (i.e. right-wing evangelical leaning) adoption agencies to be able to receive tax dollars while also being able to refuse to service gay clients. If this is successful, don't be surprised to see these "faith-based" adoption agencies receiving a huge share of of taxpayer funds, undermining the ability of the LGBTQ community to foster and adopt children and to generally have families.

Report shows landscape for same-sex couples wishing to adopt can be "bleak" in states with religious exemptions - A report from last year breaks it down.

Just proof how the anti-LGBTQ industry covertly works against us. They don't outright deny us the right to have families. They simply make things a bit more difficult.

In other news:

A shockingly high number of nonbinary people are denied health care in the United States - This shouldn't be happening.

LGBTQ leaders warned about a Trump presidency. Two years later, it’s clear they were right - Yep.

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