Tuesday, February 19, 2019

'Catholic mom sues after Trump-backed foster care agency calls her the wrong kind of Christian' & other Tue midday news briefs

Catholic mom sues after Trump-backed foster care agency calls her the wrong kind of Christian - This should be getting all sorts of headlines. Think Progress says it best:

 Last month, the Trump administration issued a waiver allowing a South Carolina foster care agency to discriminate in accordance with its Protestant religious beliefs. Now, a Catholic foster care parent is challenging the exemption after the agency discriminated against her because of her faith. In a lawsuit filed by Americans United for Separation of Church and State last week, Aimee Maddonna argues that this license to discriminate violates the Establishment Clause and denies her equal protection under the law. 

Watch: Out Presidential Hopeful Buttigieg Slams Mike Pence Over Anti-LGBTQ Views - His chances aren't that good but I do love the noise he is making.

NM Student, 11, Suffers Vicious Playground Attack, Social Media Trolling - The media in part is the blame for this. They have a wonderful opportunity to talk about trans issues and include the trans community in the discussion. They - especially Fox News - opt to scare and spook rather than present factual information.

Here are 300 of extreme anti-LGBTQ group Alliance Defending Freedom's reported 3,300 allied attorneys - Meanwhile, an anti-LGBTQ hate group continues to infiltrate.

1 comment:

  1. I know this is awful, but all I can think right now is "Aimee Maddonna, Children at your feet. Wonder how you manage to make ends mee-eet!"
