Thursday, February 14, 2019

Family Research Council wants God to overlook all of the lies Trump told about his border wall

Tony Perkins and the Family Research Council wants God to overlook all of the lies Trump told about his border wall.
With all of the known lies Donald Trump has told about his border wall (from the claim that Mexico will pay for it to the false story that it is needed because illegal immigration is a crisis), what does it say about the audacity of the Family Research Council to issue a generic prayer for him in the wake of him possibly issuing a "national emergency" to bypass Congressional approval to pay for it?

From Right Wing Watch:

“Heavenly Father, we have departed far from you as a people, and to the degree we have, we have lost our common sense. We appeal to your mercy, Lord. Grant us time to repent. Save us from our foolishness and mischief. Guide our president and Congress to craft sensible measures to protect our borders, expand and strengthen our border walls, and stop illegal immigration into our country. Lord, even as the ancient Jews pleaded with you to strengthen their gates and the walls of their cities, please strengthen ours. We look to you to be our strength and our security!”

Apparently FRC has the same minuscule amount of respect for God as it does for its supporters.

1 comment:

  1. Real Christians don't violate Proverbs 19:17, Matthew 25:35-40, Galatians 6:2 & 3:28 , Deuteronomy 15:11, Luke 6:38, Hebrews 13:16 & 13:2 , Philippians 2:4, Romans 13:10. John 3:17-18, Isaiah 25:4, James 2:14-17, Luke 3:10-11, Leviticus 19:33-34, Exodus 22:21 & 23:9 just to cite a few of the "laws of God" the FRC is violating with their support of Adolf Trump's agenda.
