Wednesday, February 06, 2019

'Is Mike Pence going to stand in the way of Trump's HIV pledge?' other Wed midday news briefs

Mike Pence
Mike Pence will never allow Trump’s HIV pledge to become reality - One of the main reasons why we don't believe Trump's pledge to eradicate HIV. His vice president is a homophobic so-and-so who's crappy governance in Indiana helped to cause an HIV outbreak. Amongst the other things . . .

Trump Makes Big HIV Promises In State Of The Union Despite Poor Track Record - Let's talk about this some more. 

Arizona’s new head of schools wants to repeal the state’s ‘no promo homo’ law - Thank you!

Carrollton Leaders Consider Anti-Discrimination Ordinance To Protect City LGBTQ Employees - Pay close attention because this is where they religious right's "LGBTQ equality laws will ban the Bible" lie is probably going to take root. 

To Christian Parents of Gay Children - THIS is needed!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think Pence has to stand in the way...the proposal to end AIDS made in the SOTU speech was totally BS in my opinion. 45 not only has a negative track record on HIV/AIDS (disbanding the advisory committee, etc) but he is a consummate liar, so I suspect the proposal was never meant to see the light of another day. I couldn't believe what I was hearing...scratching my head, wondering where the hell did that come from? His speech writer must have thought it would be a nice bone to throw to the LGBT's or something.
