Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Megachurch pastors whine that Equality Act is work of Satan

People ask - at times very angrily - why should those of us who care about LGBTQ equality give visibility and platforms to the anti-LGBTQ industry. The answer is very simple - because when we do, they generally prove all of our points about their motives and hateful or self-righteous attitudes.

Case in point are the following videos below. The Equality Act recently passed by the House would simply give federal non-discrimination protections to the LGBTQ community. However some folks disagree.

From Right Wing Watch:

Last week, right-wing pastors George and Terri Pearsons led their congregation at Eagle Mountain International Church in Fort Worth, Texas, in prayer, calling on God to unleash an “emergency intervention” to stop passage of the Equality Act (H.R. 5) in Congress. Terri Pearsons, who is the daughter of megachurch pastor Kenneth Copeland, declared that those in Congress who support the Equality Act are “haters of God” and “haters of all that’s good” and are under the control of Satan.

To put it mildly, girlfriend flipped out.

Not to be undone, Pearsons's husband added his perspective:

Later in the service, George Pearsons joined his wife on stage to declare that the Equality Act is “the very strategic plan of the Demonic Party” to persecute Christians on behalf of Satan. “It’s Satan’s last stand to steal a nation,” he said. “He’s the very spirit of perversion, abortion, and everything that is godless and evil and twisted. There’s a godless party pushing its godless agenda. Its platform is being rewritten. Satan is behind it, and he’s driving it.”

Please remember that George and Terri Pearsons are the daughter and son-in-law of Donald Trump supporting televangelist Kenneth Copeland.  Eagle Mountain International Church is a part of his ministry. They themselves are  Executive Leaders of his ministry This makes them a part of a  close to $760 million (tax free) megachurch empire.

And they want you to believe that Satan is busy attempting to pass a law which would simply give the LGBTQ community federal protection from discrimination? I don't think Satan has time to help us because he's obviously got his hands full helping them out.

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