Friday, June 07, 2019

'Ouch! Video brutally mocks 'Straight Pride' & other Fri midday news briefs

Y'all, this video above is BRUTAL 

 In other news: 

Democrats just introduced a bill to ban discrimination against LGBTQ parents - Wonderful idea!

Washington florist Barronnelle Stutzman and her lawyers aren't being truthful about her case - Repeating my post from last night because the info needs to get out.

How LGBTQ+ creators are making representation happen on their own terms - THANK YOU! I love that last part. On "their own terms." 

It’s hard getting older, especially for LGBTQ retirees - The work continues. Let's not forget our elders.

1 comment:

  1. As a straight progressive Christian LGBTQ ally, "cis bro," and lover of brutal satire, I approve this sad (but hilarious) video.
