Thursday, August 01, 2019

Anti-LGBTQ groups don't want children in same-sex families to see shows about themselves

The anti-LGBTQ industry fears same-sex families.
According to the Associated Press, there is a move to put more LGBTQ diversity in children's programming. The proponents of this say it is all about showing  that families exists in all forms, including those led by same-sex partners

Zeke Stokes, chief programs officer for the LGBTQ advocacy group GLAAD, said the struggle for inclusion has become easier as a number of LGBTQ writers and producers have made their way into positions of influence, though they’re still a fraction overall. “What we’ve said to them all along is that we will lock arms with you and we will make sure that you hear from the families who are being impacted by this in a positive way,”
Stokes said of GLAAD’s work behind the scenes to support greater representation. “Not only have they heard from LGBTQ families but they’ve heard from other families who are like, yeah, my kid has a friend who’s LGBTQ or my friend goes over to his friend’s house and their parents are LGBTQ. This is not just something that impacts LGBTQ families. It’s really something that gets experienced by everyone in society.”

 It's not a bad idea because there are a lot of same-sex families in American society.  There is nothing wrong with children growing up in these families seeing their realities reflected in the shows they watch. But you know what happens when folks want to show fairness to same-sex families.

The anti-LGBTQ industry starts spinning nonsensical tales of "recruitment" and "indoctrination" of children.  From American Family Association's fake news source One News Now comes the latest nonsense:

Monica Cole of OneMillionMoms says that influence is a growing trend in children's programming. "Nickelodeon, Disney, Cartoon Network, and PBS Kids have all recently included same-sex parents or the young characters themselves involved with a same-sex attraction," she tells OneNewsNow. 
Cole says she's hearing from Christian families across the country who would like to be in charge of appropriate and biblically based discussions about sex with their kids. 
"Many parents feel that it's their responsibility and their choice, of course, of the timing when they discuss a mature topic," she explains. "… Then the parents are able to sit down and have a conversation with the child, depending on their maturity level and their age. 
"[However], the networks take it upon themselves to introduce children to these controversial topics." 
It's unfortunate, she says, that unless families just unplug their television, the indoctrinating content is getting harder and harder to avoid.

Cole's ridiculous ramblings about sex is an interesting juxtaposition to the Associated Press article One News Now cited. The juxtaposition is punctuated by this part:

Wilson Cruz, a co-star in the new Hulu animated children’s series “The Bravest Knight,” describes the show’s dad couple this way: “We’re not explaining homosexuality, or same-gender sexuality. We’re talking about the love of a family.”

It's interesting how Cole attempts to make this an issue about talking to children about sexual intercourse, when that's not what it is about. Cruz said it plainly that it is about love and family. Cole gives away the anti-LGBTQ industry game about this entire thing. Folks like her talk about "indoctrination" and imply about recruiting children because they want confine the LGBTQ identity as one about sexual intercourse. Giving same-sex families any type of visibility destroys the image they attempt to trap us in. It rips away their stereotypes of our community being immature, oversexed, and incapable of maintaining the stability needed to create and nurture loving families.

Neither Cole nor anti-LGBTQ personalities like her have any concern for children. They are concerned with protecting their lies about our community. They don't want anyone to see us other than the awful things they describe us as. They want to control our image, the way people see us, and basically our entire lives.

Too bad for them because our lives, our destinies, and our families don't belong to them. We get the final say when it comes to those things. And especially to our visibility. 

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