Wednesday, August 14, 2019

'The New Hate Pastors' & other Wed midday news briefs

Steven Anderson

The New Hate Pastors - This is spookier and possibly more dangerous than mainstream religious right groups. If these pastors don't first self-destruct.

Christian conservative explains ‘deal with devil’ between Trump and evangelicals - You deal with you know who, you always get burned.

Republican official says the ‘sin’ of homosexuality kills gay men at age 42 - Just in case you didn't hear, anti-LGBTQ propaganda doesn't die so easily. 

Jake Shears on LGBTQ Acceptance in Music, Homophobia in the Industry and How Pop Is Changing - Well this is interesting. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Hate pastors: are people masochists to sit and listen to their angry sermons? At least growing up Catholic we had some lovely Gregorian Chant and candles and bells and the Ave Maria. It wasn't unpleasant.
    "Christian conservative explains ‘deal with devil’ between Trump and evangelicals" Raw Story - In my opinion, no explanation there worth reading.
