Tuesday, October 29, 2019

'Ex-gays going to DC to lobby against LGBTQ equality' & other Tue midday news briefs

Ex-gays are going to D.C. to lobby against LGBTQ laws - Old lying trash in a new package. We need to find out who is funding this mess.

Cincinnati City Councilman Chris Seelbach calls for TriHealth boycott after nurse's anti-LGBTQ post - Some folks are defending her "free speech." I think it's garbage. 

Apple CEO Tim Cook: There's 'much more' to do to help LGBTQ youth - Thank you, Mr. Cook.

 Homophobia and cyberbullying: Strategies the Cuban government uses against LGBTI+ journalists - The struggle is real, y'all.


  1. What percentage of "ex-gays" become "ex-ex-gays"? My guess is, given time, close to 100%.

  2. Frank,

    I would also like to know what percentage of them are bisexual, and think they've somehow been "cured" because they found someone of the opposite sex that they're attracted to.
