Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Which Celebrity Caused Your 'Gay Awakening?'

 After a day like today - particularly with the impeachment hearing and the GOP fakery that came with it - I'm exhausted. So forgive this happy LGBTQ warrior and proud member of the Rainbow Mafia (it's a religious right slur, but damn it's still cool) for presenting something frivolous right now. I invite you all to tell me who was your first LGBTQ crush, i.e. the celebrity who awakened the gay in you.

To answer your question - I didn't come to grips with being gay until in college. Still, I had a childhood fascination (which turned out to be unofficial crushes) on the following:

 Jackie Earle Haley, Stephen Geoffreys, Lance Kerwin, Ike Eisenmann, River Phoenix (I had it for him REAL BAD), Meeno Pelucee (woof! woof!), Matthew Laborteaux, Billy Jacoby, and Chris Makepeace.

And those are the ones I can think of for now.


  1. Don Agrati/Don Grady, (Mouseketeer and as Robbie on My 3 Sons) I learned that he died in 2012 and that still saddens me like I'd lost a dear friend; Gardner McKay(1932-2001) who was 16 years my senior when I had a crush on him at age 12-13! (as Adam Troy in Adventures in Paradise)

  2. I'm not sure I'd call it an "awakening," but I do remember I had quite the crush on Robby Benson back when I was in the seventh grade or so; that was when he was at the height of his popularity. Also Wesley Eure, from "Land of the Lost," and I'm sure there were others from that era as well...
