Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Another 'evangelical' hate group marshaling support for Trump's border wall

And with this hot mess above right here as a part of a petition (which I refuse to link), anti-LGBTQ hate group the American Family Association becomes the latest right-wing evangelical Christian-masquerading group attempting to pander Trump's border wall lies to America.

The organization claims that its supporters are overwhelmingly behind Trump:

A new survey by AFA finds nearly all supporters (98%) view border security as an important issue. An overwhelming number of supporters (96%) agree with President Trump's plan to secure the southern border with a wall. The most startling statistic is the overwhelming majority (90%) of AFA supporters who want President Trump to continue the partial government shutdown to force Congress to fund construction for the border wall.

 I believe AFA here, but that's not necessarily a good thing.  AFA's supporters aren't exactly as kind or Christian as the group would semantically paint them.  Based on comments from any article via AFA's phony news source, One News Now ( specifically this one about Obama's religious beliefs), a lot of them come across as reactionary spooked people dripping with prejudice, homophobia, and bigotry which they falsely claim is actually God's love.

The only thing which shocks me about the results of AFA's "poll" is that its supporters didn't suggest armed guards at Trump's border wall.

But I'm sure the idea appeals to them.

Related posts:

Conservative evangelical leaders fiddle while Donald Trump burns down America

Family Research Council trying to sell Trump's border wall nonsense