Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Pray for Rush Limbaugh. But never forget that he's lower than whale sh!t

This week, talk show host Rush Limbaugh announced that he is suffering from lung cancer.

We all know Limbaugh. He has spent an entire career attacking minorities, telling lies, smearing his opponents, and gloating over his success (complete with pictures of huge cigars dangling from his lips) in the name of "American exceptionalism."

Some of his activities included referring to Obama as a "man-child" (boy) and pushing birther lies about him, making a multitude of racist comments, spending several days describing different ways how college student Sandra Fluke is a "slut" simply because she spoke out about the need for birth control, claiming that actor Michael J. Fox was faking his Parkinson's Disease, and last but not least:

Making fun of people afflicted with and dying from AIDS by playing the Dionne Warwick song, "I Know I'll Never Love This Way Again."

Since his announcement, there has been an outpouring of well-wishers eager to express their support of him during his crisis.

Personally, I feel this way. Pray for Limbaugh. Hope he recovers. But never forget what he is.  Cancer or no cancer, Limbaugh is scum. He is lower than whale shit buried two feet under in the deepest ocean in the world. Racist, dishonest, homophobic, misogynist, spiritually repulsive and psychologically bloated with conceit, Limbaugh not only represented the worst qualities of America, he figuratively adorned them on his body like a second skin.

So now that he has found out that he isn't invulnerable, what's the rest of us supposed to do aside from the common courtesy of praying for his recovery and wishing him well?

Not a damn thing. The fact that he has possibly heard the Angel of Death whisper his name is his own problem. He's seen the black dog twice and definitely wants to be ready should he see it a third time, but it doesn't mean we should participate in whatever charade of deliberately faulty remembrances he and his supporters want us to.

We shouldn't forget his decades of gross behavior. We shouldn't forget his racism. We shouldn't forget what he did to Sandra Fluke. And we damn sure should never forget how he made fun of people afflicted with and dying from AIDS. Every prominent, public, or career-congratulatory well-wish he receives from now on should remind us of the people who got kicked out of their homes, lost their jobs, got deserted by their supposed loving families, and were forced to either barely survive or die in the shadow of mockery and ridicule that he helped to create.

We shouldn't allow others to forget it either.

And I would suggest that however this turns out, Limbaugh not lie to himself. He shouldn't fiddle with that Medal of Freedom awarded to him by Trump because he didn't earn it. It's a booby prize. He shouldn't bubble over thinking about all of the fake accolades given to him by serviceable idiots at places like Fox News or conservative think tanks.

He should take the time to make amends. Apologize to all of those he has hurt.  Presently, he is a vile piece of garbage who did nothing to improve the life of others. Instead he chose the career of a bully  And now he has nothing to show for it except an unsuccessful attempt to rebrand his career into something noble instead of what it actually is - a toxic sludge of uselessness which will as serve a sad, pathetic legacy of how he wasted his entire life.

No cancer diagnosis, no amount of fake accolades, unearned awards, or transparent well-wishing is going to change that.


  1. I can't even muster up a prayer for this lowlife bastard, except that he somehow manages to not harm anyone else on his way out.

    Because (please pardon my language) fuck him. Right in the face.

  2. I almost forgot why I bopped over so early. I saw this and immediately thought of you:

    Thought you'd be interested. It's a fascinating story.

  3. BlackTsunami,

    Sadly, I think we have plenty of reason to doubt the existence of a god, especially one that answers prayers, but if you are going to pray for him, not only pray that he gets better, pray that he sees the light before he passes into the great beyond, and comes to regret some of the disgusting things that he has said and done over the years.

  4. Shannon,

    As Disgusting as he is, there are far worse people out there than Rush Limbaugh. Unless the man is a real monster, like Hitler or Pol Pot levels of evil, it pretty much always makes you look bad when you celebrate or even show complete lack of concern for someone who is dying.
