Tuesday, March 03, 2020

'Daily Wire' cowards call for violence against drag queens from the safety of their podcast 'studios'

The right continues to be scared of Drag Queen Story Hour

Drag Queen Story Hour is a national event, in which drag queen performers read children's books to youngsters. The point is to foster tolerance and encourage literacy. It is very popular among the children and their parents, many of whom participate in the event with their kids.

Unfortunately, Drag Queen Story Hour also attracts anti-LGBTQ and conservative figures looking to find something new to scare people about our community.

From Media Matters:

 The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh and Michael Knowles called for drastic measures to prevent drag queens from being around children, with Walsh explicitly calling for violence against them by saying “real men” should kick a drag queen “out on his ass” and call the police. Walsh also said that the adults in a room in which a drag queen danced in front of a child “should be going to prison,” and Knowles called on “the arm of the state to stop this.” 
 . . . On the March 2 edition of his podcast The Matt Walsh Show, Walsh claimed a video of a drag queen dancing in front of a child at a drag brunch illustrates “the collapse of Western society.” He called for violence against performers, saying that “real men” would be “grabbing that drag queen by the collar, if he has a collar, and dragging him out of the room, and kicking him out on his ass, out of the room, and then calling the police.” Walsh said that he believes that “all of the adults in that room, in that video, should be going to prison” and that the video should end with police officers storming the event.

. . . Also on March 2, Knowles covered the same video of the drag queen on his podcast, The Michael Knowles Show. He similarly called for state action against drag queens, saying, “We should use the arm of the state to stop this ... radical sexual grooming that’s going on for young people.” He also asked for the country to introduce laws to prevent drag queens from being around children, saying, “We have always had laws against this kind of stuff in America.”

 Again, there is nothing sexual going on when it comes to Drag Queen Story Hour.  It is a perfectly innocent event enjoyed by children and their parents.

But, as Media Matters points out, The Daily Wire is less about truth and more about targeting our community to build up its viewer hits:

The Daily Wire has gone after drag in the past, and these calls for violence or state action against performers come as drag queens and programs like Drag Queen Story Hour are facing threats. Anti-LGBTQ media coverage has helped create this dangerous climate; in the last year, anti-LGBTQ folks have attacked programs, forced cancellations of events, threatened arson, and introduced bills in state legislatures to limit drag queen story hours.  
In Texas, a right-wing radio host attempted to enter such a program while carrying a gun. Walsh and Knowles are podcast hosts and columnists for The Daily Wire, a right-wing website that regularly promotes anti-LGBTQ, racist, sexist, and anti-abortion rhetoric. The site has several anti-LGBTQ pundits with large media platforms, including Walsh, Knowles, and Ben Shapiro, the site’s founder. They routinely push hateful rhetoric and play an influential role in making anti-LGBTQ content go viral. Just last week, Walsh lied that progressives will fight to legalize pedophilia because openly gay former presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg helped a kid come out.

The Daily Wire is a trash publication which spreads propaganda. Media Matters rightfully calls it a "cesspool of bigotry and hatred."  And of cowardice, too.  It's not by accident that Walsh and Knowles encourages violence from the safety of their podcast 'studios.' They apparently know that they would get their asses whipped if  either of them laid one hand on any of the queens.

Take it from me. Drag Queens do NOT have time to play games.

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