Thursday, March 19, 2020

Family Research Council gives Trump tone deaf praise for his handling of coronavirus outbreak

Fox News and Donald Trump are rightfully blamed for their actions during this coronavirus outbreak as these two videos show:

But there is a third party which deserves at least some blame for where we are now - conservative evangelical groups. During this crisis, a lot of them -  folks and groups who have defended Trump in spite of every lie, insult, and episode of bad behavior or awful leadership - having been laying low.

But leave it to anti-LGBTQ hate group the Family Research Council and its president, Tony Perkins, to march front and center with tone deaf praise for him:

If there were ever a time America should be grateful for its businessman-in-chief, it's now. The Left can say what it wants about Donald Trump, but the majority of people staring down this crisis have to take great comfort in the fact that the man at the helm was built to protect this economy. Even today, as the Senate dives into a third wave of relief, his expertise could very well make all the difference. 
Dan Celia, who's been a financial analyst for years, says he's never seen anything like it. "It's absolutely amazing what's happening, what this administration is doing, and how fast they're [doing it]... I don't think we're ever going to see anything like it again. It's as if we have an administration that doesn't have any politicians in it, because President Trump looking at this from a business perspective. 'Hey, what do you need? We'll get it for you. We'll get rid of the obstacles. We'll do it right now. Let's pick up the phone. Let's make a call. Let's get it done. And there are the kinds of things that don't happen in Washington that are happening right now. So it's pretty amazing. But we've got a lot of work to do to keep this economy afloat." 

Yesterday, we saw how Perkins and FRC were more interested in making sure that same-sex couples were not protected under a coronavirus relief bill. Today, we see that they are more interested in keeping Trump flattered and happy than keeping their supporters safe and accurately informed.

The reality is clear. Trump's incompetence and incredibly piss poor judgment brought us to this point. How Fox News lied and made excuses for him helped to contribute to this awful state of affairs.  Lastly, how groups like FRC and evangelicals like Tony Perkins continue to create a false narrative of good stewardship on Trump's part is only making things worse.

It would be a shame if, after all of this is over, we forget how they behaved.

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