Tuesday, April 28, 2020

'Congratulations' to Donald Trump for making America 'first in the world'

Based upon this above video, Donald Trump used the coronavirus pandemic to make America first in several things. And based on the video below, he so humble, he refuses to take "credit" for it. But he would like if folks showed some appreciation for all of his "work"

Just think, with his homophobic point man Roger Severino guiding in an attempt to remove LGBTQ health protections, Trump could make LGBTQ people specifically first in the some of the same categories. So much damn winning. And yes for the people in the back, that was sarcasm. 

1 comment:

  1. An yet a congressional candidate here in New Mexico, a young, fairly intelligent I assume, republican woman, is running ads touting her unconditional backing of the president, wall and all. Do they not see the same realities we see?
