Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Family Research Council wants your money to help it stop . . . 'the return of 'Obamaphones?''

Just in case you have nothing better to do with your money (like saving it up because of COVID-19, buying supplies because of COVID-19, donating to hospitals or wonderful charities because of COVID-19), hate group the Family Research Council wants you to contribute to its fundraiser.

I'll spare you the link, but as you can see by the graphic above,  FRC and its president Tony Perkins, your donation will help them fight the "evil liberal" influences such as (in the group's own words):

carbon emission mandates, 
visa extensions for immigrants, 
a postal bailout, corporate pay equity, 
the return of “Obamaphones,” and more!

This list gets me angry on so many levels. The most noticeable being where the hell are the "radical homosexuals?" We're not even on the list nor in any of the rest of the fundraising appeal. Do we not make enough money for FRC anymore? We got dumped over Obamaphones?

Come on folks, there has to be a drag queen reading to children somewhere in the country!