Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Family Research Council spins another lie that gays are trying to bully people of faith

Just when we thought hate group the Family Research Council was spending too much time milking its new cash cow of fundraising on the persecution card - the notion that lockdown policies designed to shield us from coronavirus infection is actually a plan to silence the church - it goes right back to the classic lie of "gays are trying to bully Christians." And apparently "big business" is in on the plot as seen by the graphic above from FRC's webpage

I will spare you the link, but it's just so upsetting to me. All of this "fun" stuff that gays are attempting to do to people faith (omitting the fact that we are also people of faith) and I have never gotten one memo from National Headquarters.

How can I be a decent "radical homosexual leftist radical" if I'm not getting the memos?

1 comment:

  1. That's a whole organization full of Karens and Kevins. Why don't they just stop.
    Bunch of wimps!!
