Monday, May 04, 2020

'Mourning in America' - Donald Trump has made America weaker, sicker, and poorer

Four years ago, America was warned about making a corrupt and inept pseudo businessman the most powerful man in the country. And we didn't listen. Four years later, it is now 'Mourning In America' as this brutally effective ad from the Lincoln Project shows. Trump's incompetent and ineffective leadership hampered efforts to contain COVID-19 and now we are paying for it, the LGBTQ community included:

We know what needs to be done in November. Let's not get distracted.

Related posts:

Trump says 'nobody' could've predicted a pandemic like coronavirus. Here are all the times he was warned about it and refused to take action. 

1 comment:

  1. I am not optimistic about November, mainly because we have not yet seen the worst of COVID-19. The virus and the POTUS will very likely conspire to interfere with the election process and voting. We will not be able to hold an election as in the past and will be unprepared to, unable to or outright prevented from making necessary changes.
