Thursday, May 07, 2020

'Under lockdown, parents are discovering their children are LGBT and kicking them out on the street' & other Thur midday news briefs

Ellen, Gabrielle Union & Dwyane Wade’s chat about trans kids will leave you in tears - By contrast, giving LGBTQ children love and support is what all good parents are supposed to do.

Transgender people face discrimination, violence amid Latin American quarantines - Depressing as hell.

Nonreligious LGBTQ People Face Discrimination, Stigma - The negativity of how some people use their religious beliefs.


  1. Anonymous9:29 AM

    A preponderance of the justifications for homophobia come from religious belief, and so it should be no surprise that LGBTQ+ individuals leave or lose religious belief at higher percentages than "hetero and gender-normative" individuals.

    It is the CONDUCT of His people that drove me away.

  2. How very Christian of them .Seems they forget Children are a gift from GOD. And GOD makes no mistakes. And they are not to judge others let alone a child. Throwing them out shows how hypocritical they are.
