Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Brutal ad designates Donald Trump as China's 'dog'

 I'm not a fan of Trump so I love to see him dumped on.  Yet this ad is so brutal that I almost feel sorry for him. Almost, but not quite. Its words are all true and he deserves every inch of dragging he is receiving. And it definitely hits Trump where it hurts, i.e. his supposed toughness to China. I wonder if he will respond.


  1. I've seen several Lincoln Project videos on line - but not on broadcast TV (New Mexico) - perhaps because we don't have cable or satellite. Just wondering where these ads are airing.

  2. Damn. The thing is when they say Trump they mean us since... he is the president. We've been had and we did it to ourselves. I don't blame trump for Americans shortsighted self centered misogyny, we had that before he arrived. Its going to take some historic effort to make it through time in history.. a huge gut check of self realization. Are we ready... i mean really, ready. I doubt it. Greed and insulation is mankind's rule not exception. And ...I'm an optimist.
