Monday, June 22, 2020

Shut up, Franklin Graham. Your latest defense of Trump is downright embarrassing

Leave it to Franklin Graham make Donald Trump look like the victim because of the fallout of his tremendous flop of a rally in Tulsa, OK on Saturday. And making bitchy attacks on Joe Biden, while doing it.

Of course Graham, having traded Jesus for Trump as his savior, will say anything to buttress his new leader. But his defense of Trump's newest debacle is downright embarrassing.

 Let's break it down:

Biden has no rallies because of social distancing. He has chosen to follow the advice of health officials because of the pandemic. A pandemic, by the way, which continues to get worse in this country thanks to Trump's piss poor leadership
Trump did not have this rally because he wanted to "get out with the people." He wanted praise and adulation. He had not had a rally since March because of the pandemic. And by the way,  eight members of his staff tested positive for the coronavirus. Six were announced to have tested positive on the day of the rally. 
What issues are important to you, Mr. Graham? Putting people who burn the flag in jail for a year? Trump's ability to walk down a ramp or drink a glass of water? Or how about bragging that he told officials to slow down coronavirus testing, which is the absolute worse thing to do during this pandemic. Those "issues" were what he talked about. This rally was the same whining, griping, rambling and abject bullshit we have come to expect from Trump, but you go ahead and pass it off as poetry simply because he is putting conservative judges on the bench. By all means, please continue to jab your head up his backside.

It's almost universally agreed that Trump's Tulsa rally on Saturday was a tremendous flop. They were expecting a mega crowd and even bragged about having one million people asking for ticket. Trump and VP Mike Pence were going to give a speech to an overflow crowd before their main speeches in the Bank of Oklahoma Center Arena.

But There was no overflow crowd. In fact, in the arena which seats over 19,000, Trump only attracted 6,200 attendees. It was a huge embarrassment for Trump who was looking to reset his re-election campaign after getting blistered in polls which show him down by double digits to Joe Biden. And then there is the coronavirus pandemic, the surging rate of unemployment, and the racial protests after the death of George Floyd. All in all, Trump has been having a bad summer, which highlights the unfortunate fact that he has been coasting because of Obama's work. Left to his own devices of leadership, Trump is an absolute disaster. Even Fox and Friends can't defend this latest episode of his bullshit.

If Americans and/or the media is having a field day, it's because Trump has carried himself as a major asshole since becoming president. He is a loud, obnoxious, totally inconsiderate selfish pig whose idea of governing is to lie or get others to lie for him while he grabs credit for other people's work. And what's worse, he doesn't even respect Americans enough to tell good lies. He has not been a unifying leader. He has been a leader who thrives on division and chaos. He likes to be the villain, so don't blame us for applauding when the villain is finally getting what's coming to him.What happened Saturday was a bunch of chickens coming home to roost. And hopefully more will continue to come.

Check yourself, Mr. Graham. Some chickens with your name on their feathers may be coming home to roost, too.


  1. His father Billy Graham would be kicking his ass to hell and back! He would not even know Franklin

  2. I really like the sea of blue that the unfilled seats represented. We're coming for you.
