Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Family Research Council intern thinks LGBTQ people need her fake love

One thing I despise about the anti-LGBTQ industry and the religious right is the slick way they hide their lies and dishonesty behind morality. An example of what I'm talking about was a July 1 piece published by Family Research Council intern Laura Lee Caum.

In her piece, How Do We Authentically Love Our LGBT-Identifying Neighbors?, Ms. Caum took at same patronizing "love the sinner but hate the sin" tone which LGBTQ people have become used to from those on her side of the spectrum. It reads in part:

The most compelling example of combining love and justice is found in John 8. For those unfamiliar with this story, this passage tells the story of a woman caught in the act of adultery. The religious leaders of the day bring her before Jesus and proudly proclaim, “Now in the Law, Moses commanded us to stone such women.” Those who preach a fire and brimstone message would applaud this dedication to the law. The religious leaders then ask Jesus his opinion on what should be done with the woman. Obeying the Proverb to be slow to answer, Jesus eventually replies, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” If the story ended here, spiritual leaders who preach a “love everyone” message would be ecstatic.  
But the story doesn’t end here. As the religious leaders slowly walk away, Jesus asks her if there is anyone left to condemn her. No one is left. In a brilliant moment of combining the truth of God and the grace he offers, Jesus says, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.” That is the approach spiritual leaders should take. God is both just and merciful, and both must be preached. A sermon that follows this guideline condemns homosexuality for what it is, which is a distortion of the good gift of sexuality. This same sermon, however, should encourage a peaceful and loving attitude towards those in the LGBT movement.  
 To Christians who are tempted to sacrifice morality on the altar of supporting the LGBT movement, take a moment and reevaluate what love actually is. Though our culture has tried to combine the two, love and lust are radically different. One is selfless and live-giving while the other is selfish and destructive. Truly loving someone means instructing them in the way of truth. Jesus prevented the woman in John 8 from being stoned, but also instructed her to leave her life of sin. That is love. Love is not changing your social media profile picture to a rainbow flag, or marching during “Pride Month.” Examine the love that Jesus expressed, and do the same.  
 Pride Month forces Christians to examine themselves. Are we actually preaching the gospel, which combines truth and love? Ask yourself: Am I reaching out to those who struggle with homosexuality and loving them as Jesus does? How will I advocate for legislation that defends natural marriage and the family? We must answer these questions. We must act. Love requires that of us. Christians have no excuse to passively sit back and say, “Who am I to judge?”

Oh that's just sunshine and peaches. I've got a few ideas of my own that I would like to suggest. They are simple, but I think more to the point.

 How about not labeling us as pawns of the devil like Family Research Council president Tony Perkins did here:

Or not expressing a desire to kick us out of the United States, like FRC spokesman Peter Sprigg did here

Or not implying that we want to treat Christians like the Nazis treated Jewish people during the Holocaust, like Perkins did here.

Or not comparing us to drug addicts,

Or not pushing up a false link between homosexuality again, again and again.

And how about not constantly distorting research, cherry-picking science and even outright lying to denigrate LGBTQ people as unhealthy and dangerous.

Basically stop trying to make our lives hell. The vast majority of us aren't struggling with our sexual orientation or gender identity. But we do struggle with the effects of the lies told on us by those will then claim that they are speaking in love.

We neither want nor need that type of love. 

And one more thing, particularly to Ms Caum. Instead of focusing so much on what the Bible supposedly says about homosexuality, focus on what it says about lying and bearing false witness.

Then get back to us.

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