Tuesday, July 14, 2020

'Gay couple successfully fights off muggers' & other Tue midday news briefs

Muggers thought a gay couple would be an easy target. They picked the wrong men to try to rob.- I'm posting this to show that some situations like this can have happy endings. But please be careful if you are caught up in mess like this. Don't try to be a hero.

WH press secretary dodges on trans military ban, insists Trump is pro-LGBTQ - A certain somebody was obviously high during her press conference. 

Poland exit polls mean victory for homophobic Andrzej Duda — and misery for LGBTQ people - Ya'll, the struggle is real and it is universal. 

Everyone Agrees: Velma Is Gay - Too easy. It should have been Daphne.

1 comment:

  1. The Polish Catholic Church (of John Paul II) is ultra conservative and very involved in Poland's politics and history. The Catholic Church in other countries, while becoming more conservative because of losing many liberals and progressives, is still of different flavors: in some countries (e.g. Italy), while not exactly "liberal" tend to look the other way, preach the party line but know that the people just shrug it off and do as they please. The church there, I believe, is more of a deeply ingrained cultural identity rather than an evangelical cult.
