Wednesday, August 26, 2020

'COVID lockdown has led to depression in LGBTQ people' & other Wed midday news briefs

Coronavirus lockdown has led to depression in LGBTQ people - Yes it has. We really need to be there for each other, y'all.

Nigerian lesbian love film to go online to avoid censorship board - The struggle is real and it's universal, y'all. 

LGBTQ+ Californians Know Kamala Harris, We Know She Will Fight for Us - Amen. 

Jerry Falwell Jr.’s Years of LGBTQ Hypocrisy End With the Splash of a Pool Boy - And another one bites the dust. Junior gives us the karma we were denied with regards to senior.

1 comment:

  1. I and many of my friends have admitted that I/they have been depressed after this long period of isolation. We tend to be conscientious about social distancing, wearing masks, not going out in public unless necessary. It has restricted travel and put many planned activities on hold indefinitely. It is the "indefinitely" that is having a great impact.
