Thursday, September 10, 2020

Fox News ghouls care more about Donald Trump than the Americans harmed by his pandemic incompetence

I am glad someone put this together. Of all the things Fox News and its personalities have done over the years, this has to be the worst.

 On Wednesday, we learned that Donald Trump knew that the coronavirus pandemic was serious but still continued to undermine efforts to combat it. This is a grade A scandal which should be seen as comparative to or worse than Watergate - the scandal which led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon in the 1970s.

But Nixon didn't have what Trump has - an entire network working to undermine the righteous indignation people are feeling and rationalize all of his lies. I'm talking about Fox News and its personalities. The channel is probably the single reason why Trump has been hanging on by his fingernails even after all of his lies and basic incompetence. It is the number one news network in the country and it operates by over emphasizing Trump's few successes, hiding his many failures, and spinning his poor leadership to the point of inanity.

It's so bad that a lot of people are generally blase about Fox News and treat it like be splashed by a puddle or having bad day with the mindset being that it's simply one of those things which can't be helped so get over it.

But courtesy of the video above,  this time is different.

It has to be for our nation to survive. Instead of providing effective leadership based upon what he was told, Trump called the pandemic a hoax, undermined safety measures designed to combat it, and exposed people to danger with his ridiculous rallies and demanding that schools and businesses abandon effective measures to combat the pandemic by reopening. America has over six million infections -  more than half of million of them are children - and over 190,000 people dead because of it.  

And these disgusting sons of bitches at Fox News don't even care. All they care about is protecting Trump from the consequences of his own actions. What the hell is wrong with these people? From Marc Thiessen to Greg Gutfeld to Sean Hannity to Tucker Carlson to Laura Ingraham to Mollie Hemingway to Melissa A Francis and so forth, they are all uncaring, unfeeling bastards.

This is not normal. None of it is.  It's just sick. Are they that desirous of a big paycheck? Are they so desperate to "own liberals?" Do they tell themselves that they are only "doing their job" or "following orders?' That sounds familiar. If I were to bring up where I heard it from, some people will accuse me of "losing the argument." 

Well fuck the argument  itself and fuck the nonsensical collegiate past-time of pursing "arguments."  This shit is REAL. People are sick and dead because of Trump's bad leadership.People are in danger of being evicted from their homes because of his bad leadership. People have lost income and jobs because of his bad leadership.  And many of those people trusted him to watch over them and their interests. He failed them big time. But instead of helping America get through this crisis, Fox News personalities are too busy helping Trump bury the bodies, ignore the sick, and justify the scandal.

They're nothing but a bunch of sick and twisted ghouls. And I hope that years from now, all Americans remember who they are and what they did during this crisis.

Related post The Trump Pandemic - A blow-by-blow account of how the president killed thousands of Americans.

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