Tuesday, September 29, 2020

'What a sh!tshow' - Biden telling Trump to 'shut up' probably the most viral moment of an ugly debate

Well the first debate is over and I personally think anyone who watched the entire thing should have a stamp made commemorating our sacrifice.

Y'all know I feel in general but I think I can be backed up when I make the following statement - Donald Trump showed his ass . . . and not in a good way. People are going to condemn this debate and raise hell at the moderator Chris Wallace. But in my view, the entire thing stemmed from Trump being rude, obnoxious, and extremely boisterous.

His behavior controlled the tone and I don't think it helped him. Unfortunately I also think the need for some folks to play the "both sides" game will lead them to also criticize Biden for the sake of some stupid idea of parity.

 Here are just a few news briefs 

As Trump continues to interrupt during the debate, Biden says, 'Will you shut up, man?' - As evidenced in the video above, this will probably be the most viral moment of the debate. Biden saying to Trump what millions of Americans have no doubt wanted to say since he took office.

What a Sh*t Show: Highs and (Mostly) Lows from the First Presidential Debate of 2020

‘No! The Answer to the Question is No!’: Chris Wallace Demands Trump Be Quiet as He Berates Biden About Hunter - This part was especially ugly as Trump attempted to bait Biden on the alleged wrong doing on his son, Hunter. Biden didn't the bait and Trump ended up arguing with Wallace.

1 comment:

  1. Obviously the clown was trying to make sure that Biden was not heard by those watching. The clown's incessant verbal diarrhea was so nauseating I had to leave the room several times. It ended up being a clown debating Chris Wallace. Chris Wallace lost...he could not control the idiot. The clown's refusal to condemn white supremacy may be his defining moment.
