Monday, November 16, 2020

'Does Justice Alito's anti-gay bias present a problem at the Supreme Court?' & other Mon midday news briefs


SCOTUS Justice Alito

Justice Alito begins full-court press on LGBTQ rights by claiming that marriage equality ruling censors people - Justice Alito was never afraid to show his anti-LGBTQ bias and this presents a huge problem. And also a huge asset. 

Ritchie Torres Never Dreamed He’d Be First Black Latino Gay Man Elected To Congress - But you are, Ritchie! You are! (Sorry for the bad Baby Jane impression there). 

1 comment:

  1. Alito isn't the only bigot on the court. There are thousands of them from the county courthouse to the SCOTUS and the GOP rigged it that way. The only solution is to pass the Equality Act and then impeach judges who can't get over their religious beliefs to rule without bigotry.
