Monday, December 21, 2020

Pat Robertson 'dumps' The Donald. No longer a member of 'Team Trump'

Pat Robertson (right) threw some "Christian shade" at Donald Trump (left) on Monday.

The Deep State has claimed Pat Robertson! 

Not really, but the "dean of the religious right" and Christian Broadcasting Network founder has practically knocked everyone on their butts with his statement about Donald Trump and the recent presidential election which he lost:

From Mediaite

 . . . on Monday, in a segment first flagged by Right Wing Watch, after The 700 Club aired a report about Trump considering a 2024 run, Robertson actually said, “With all his talent and the ability to raise money and grow large crowds, the president still lives in an alternate reality. He really does. People say, ‘Well, he lies about this, that, and the other.’ No, he isn’t lying. To him, that’s the truth.”

 Robertson added Trump shouldn’t run in 2024, saying such a move would be a “mistake” and a “sideshow.” Robertson commended Trump on the economy, but made a point of highlighting false claims Trump made over the years and said, “He is very erratic and he’s fired people and he’s fought people and he’s insulted people… It’s a mixed bag.” 

 Earlier on in the program, Robertson acknowledged Biden’s victory, and he later went on add it’s time to say to Trump “you’ve had your day and it’s time to move on.”

 I guess that should be considered as "conservative white man shade." But keep in mind as you laugh and gape  (and you know I gotta pull out "the receipts") that in October, Robertson said that God told him that Trump was going to win. 

And in November, he prayed to God that He would stop Satan from making people believe that Biden had won the election.

Then earlier this month, he prayed for a so-called miracle which would swing the election to Trump. 

And finally, when Texas took that ridiculous lawsuit to the Supreme Court, Robertson claimed that it was a miracle of God's doing.

Far be it from me to me to guess God's will, but if I were other members of the religious right - Paula White, Alveda King, Tony Perkins, Gary Bauer, etc etc - I would take it upon myself to remember that song from The Color Purple:

God's Trying To Tell You Something.

1 comment:

  1. We were always told that "God always answers your prayers, but the answer may not be what you expected."
