Monday, December 14, 2020

Proud Boys literally show their asses during Saturday's pro-Trump rally


What do Proud Boys wear under their kilts? Do you really want to know?

As I have said in a post earlier this year, the Proud Boys is an SPLC- designated hate group with a history of violence. They allegedly call themselves proud "western chauvinists" who "refuses to apologize for creating the modern world." Several times during the Trump Administration (which is thankfully coming to an end), they have started several bloody street brawls, the most recent being during last Saturday's pro-Trump rally in DC.

Now someone playing armchair psychologist or comedian could make a comment about the oddity of  a bunch of men banding together supposedly in what can be described as an "uber-macho he-man woman hater club." And in making that comment, that same person could substitute the word "oddity" for "queerness." Of course in today's "woke society," that person would most likely be criticized for passive-aggressive homophobia, or passive-aggressive stereotyping, or whatever academic phrase is in vogue these days.

However there are times in which the Proud Boys, by their own behavior, encourage these type of comments. An incident took place during Saturday's rally which proves my point.

According to LGBTQNation:

 . . . one of the queerest protests happened over the weekend in Washington, DC when members of the hate group Proud boys decided to make a point. They didn’t make the one they intended, however. Wearing yellow and black kilts designed and produced by a gay man, a line of men formed up and flashed their butts to onlookers. 

Written in marker on their cheeks was “Fuck Antifa.” Because nothing says “straight and manly” like using a marker to scrawl a message about sex on your buddy’s ass cheek. 

The Proud Boys are a far-right men-only violent organization founded by Gavin McInnis and named after a song that was cut from the Disney film Aladdin. McInnis has defended the use of the slur “faggot” in connection with assaults, calling the term “handy,” and saying, “It’s very rarely used against gays.”

LGBTQNation is speaking of this moment right here:

Who did the writing?

And speaking of McInnes, a Canadian right-wing media personality, it is rather odd that he has no problem using anti-gay slurs. In 2016 on a live radio broadcast, he once slid a small black dildo up his butt.  According to him, he did it to "own liberals' and prove he had no problem with gay men. The above link only talks about the incident, but if you are a glutton for the grotesque, you can see McInnes do it step by step here.  

But if you have the good taste not to look at the entire process, the look on his face below should tell you all you need to know.

Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes doesn't seem to be enjoying himself. Maybe he wasn't happy that the dildo was black.

Don't get me wrong. The Proud Boys are dangerous. It is a group filled with ignorant men apparently attempting to stress their non-existent manhood either through violence or attempting to "own someone" via mind-boggling stupid acts. It just seems that almost every time they attempt to own the gay community, they express an underlaying desire for themselves to be owned.

If you know what I mean.

Editor's note - Apparently the kilts worn by the Proud Boys on Saturday were made by Verillas, an LGBTQ-owned company. The company  expressed anger and shock that their product was used by The Proud Boys. It also said it was yanking the product off the market and donating $1,000 to the NAACP.

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