Friday, December 18, 2020

'Virginia GOP censures Congressman for officiating gay couple's wedding' & other Fri midday news briefs


GOP censures Congressman for officiating a conservative gay couple’s wedding - Now that was just mean. 

Is Being an Older LGBTQ+ Person as Terrifying as It Sounds? - A very significant issue in our community. 

Gay couples face added hurdle when trying to start a family: Insurance policies - The struggle seems eternal but every bit is necessary.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Being an older LGBTQ+ person I find we're just invisible. The gay community, especially, treats anyone over 40 and definitely over 50 as if we don't matter. Our community lives just end abruptly, as far as the community is concerned, and we disappear as if we were never there. Magazines like the Advocate, from which the article came from, don't help when they rarely show anyone with grey hair in their pages, unless they're rich or young or good looking and preferably all three.
