Monday, December 14, 2020

Proud Boys literally show their asses during Saturday's pro-Trump rally


What do Proud Boys wear under their kilts? Do you really want to know?

As I have said in a post earlier this year, the Proud Boys is an SPLC- designated hate group with a history of violence. They allegedly call themselves proud "western chauvinists" who "refuses to apologize for creating the modern world." Several times during the Trump Administration (which is thankfully coming to an end), they have started several bloody street brawls, the most recent being during last Saturday's pro-Trump rally in DC.

Now someone playing armchair psychologist or comedian could make a comment about the oddity of  a bunch of men banding together supposedly in what can be described as an "uber-macho he-man woman hater club." And in making that comment, that same person could substitute the word "oddity" for "queerness." Of course in today's "woke society," that person would most likely be criticized for passive-aggressive homophobia, or passive-aggressive stereotyping, or whatever academic phrase is in vogue these days.