Monday, June 14, 2021

Hate group leader Tony Perkins gives tips for 'surviving' Pride Month. Please make fun of him.

Tony Perkins, head of the hate group Family Research Council has gall. That I will give him. According to Right-Wing Watch
“You can’t turn on the television, shop for cereal, or scroll through Facebook without being hit over the head with LGBT pride,” griped FRC President Tony Perkins. “Thanks to ‘woke’ corporate America and the most radical administration in history, there’s no escaping the left’s forced sexual revolution.”
 “How did we get to the point where celebrating sex and transgenderism became a 30-day event that rivals Christmas?” he continued. “We have a president who’s flying the rainbow flag above the U.S. flag at our embassies, a Democratic Congress that thinks the military should salute pride on base, and a White House that brags [that] almost 1 percent of its 1,500 appointees are LGBT. You can’t blame people for wondering: When did we become identified by our sexual proclivities? The world is upside down when American pride is something we should apologize, for but sexual perversion is the stuff of parades. Just a few decades ago, these activists said all they wanted was recognition, autonomy, coexistence. Now, a handful of years after Obergefell, it’s not enough to leave them alone with their choices; they demand validation, affirmation, celebration. Pride is the new religion, and everyone must bow a knee to their sexual gods or face the left’s fiery furnace.” 

If you have a strong stomach and a macabre sense of humor, you can see Perkins making this statement in the above video. You'll notice how he hits all of the talking points his side usually pushes when attacking LGBTQ people. Of course he attempts to link the LGBTQ orientation to sexual behavior. That pretty much falls flat in the first few seconds of the video, which merely shows people innocently enjoying Pride. In spite of Perkins's comments about about 'sexual proclivities, the most risque thing seen is probably a t-shirt of Bea Arthur.  It makes one wonder less about the Pride celebration and more about what lurid thoughts have parked themselves so deep into Perkins's mind that he only sees sexual acts when people are merely marching and waving flags. Maybe it was Bea Arthur which got him all hot and bothered.

Also, his nonsense about  'woke politics,' however is new. It's the latest talking point conservatives are using to make folks who support them believe that they are yet again under attack. They have been steadily repeating the word "woke" with a negative connotation in hopes that it will galvanize their voters by the time the 2022 mid-term elections roll around.

Then there is this part:

 Just a few decades ago, these activists said all they wanted was recognition, autonomy, coexistence. Now, a handful of years after Obergefell, it’s not enough to leave them alone with their choices; they demand validation, affirmation, celebration.

There is just one problem with Perkins' claim. His side has been saying that for years. It's a lie they've been pushing since before the internet, since before dancers began wearing jheri curls on Soul Train. It's a centerpiece of their "radical homosexual" narrative and goes like this:

Supposedly at first,  LGBTQ people said that we want 'tolerance' and 'acceptance' but what we are really trying to do is  "drive our lifestyle down people's throats" because we demand approval and sanction.

Please bear in mind that Perkins and company (and their supporters) spin that narrative every time LGBTQ people go out publicly on dates, talk about our families, demand respect for ourselves, or do anything else (no matter how significant or insignificant) which ruins the false notion that we are sad, lonely, oversexed, diseased, bitter people who cannot have decent lives so all we do is have sex, sex, sex (in between the recruiting of children and the attempts to harm Christians. How DO we find the time?)

Now that we've heard from the peanut gallery about Pride Month, here is my advice. Enjoy it. Have fun. Make new friends, Educate yourself. And above all, love yourself.

I also had some advice for Perkins.  But telling him where he can kiss me sounds more like a treat and less like a rebuke. 

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