Monday, August 16, 2021

Marriage equality victory can be dangerous if the LGBTQ community forgets what we had to defeat for it

There was an article in Monday's Politico which claimed that the GOP is giving up on the fight against marriage equality, disappointing their religious right allies. I don't buy the premise for a minute, but we would all be blind to not notice that there has been somewhat of a cultural shift. Marriage equality is a reality whereas years before, many of us never saw it as a genuine possibility.

It's a good shift, but also one which contains the danger of future generations being jaded about the overall struggle for LGBTQ rights in general. Marriage equality is a wonderful victory, but overall, it is merely a pitstop. We still have not attained full equality as a community and we are saddled with the same enemies who made the above video. Just because they failed in one attempt to undermine our rights doesn't mean they won't stop trying. As you look at the above video and either reminisce about the lies we had to fight against or gape at what you're probably seeing for the first time, remember that  our struggle for equality isn't over yet. Not by a long shot. 

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