Monday, August 09, 2021

''Team LGBTQ' earns 32 medals at Tokyo Olympics' & other Mon midday news briefs

'Team LGBTQ' earns 32 medals at Tokyo Olympics - I may be wrong but this was the most high-profile Olympic games for the LGBTQ community and I hope a sign of things to come. 

Tucker Carlson praises anti-LGBTQ Hungary prime minister - Because Tucker Carlson is a mediocre trust fund baby.

1 comment:

  1. Black Tsunami,

    "Tucker Carlson praises anti-LGBTQ Hungary prime minister - Because Tucker Carlson is a mediocre trust fund baby."

    No. He is far, far worse than that. Don't use anything euphemism. Call Tucker Carlson what he is, a fascist and white supremacist. The people in charge of Fox News ought to be ashamed of themselves for giving him a voice on their network.
