Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Hate group still finds time to scare folks about LGBTQ people in between undermining pandemic fight and women's health

I swear that this email from hate group the Family Research Council was so sweet that it nearly brought me to tears:

This year, FRC has raised the alarm about the Equality Act, a sweeping rewrite of civil rights law that would enshrine into law discrimination against citizens with biblical and traditional views of morality.

 That proposed bill attempts to erase freedom of thought and belief, along with the ability to hold a different opinion while remaining free from government retribution. 

 Unfortunately, the constant barrage from LGBT activists and allies in the White House, mainstream media, and Big Tech is tempting some to give up or give in. 

 While the Equality Act may yet advance, talk on Capitol Hill has shifted to a so-called "compromise" bill. Some are being conned into backing the Fairness for All Act, an ill-advised and poorly drafted "compromise" bill that fails to prevent the harms that would be inflicted by the Equality Act. 

Yet a new poll out last week by a group promoting the legislation claims that a majority of Americans support its approach. Family Research Council is among a small remnant calling out both bills as dangerous threats to religious liberty, women's rights, children's health, parental rights, the medical profession's conscience rights, and more. We must remain active and engaged to halt the destructive ideologies of the Left, who attempt to use radical laws to influence all of society. To ensure FRC has the resources needed to voice your values -- at the grassroots level and to our nation's leaders -- can you give today? 

 The Equality Act would mandate government-imposed inequality and unfairness by requiring acceptance of a particular ideology about sexual ethics, leaving no room for differing opinions and legitimate public debate. For instance, it would force women and girls to share bathrooms, locker rooms, showers, and even battered women's shelters with biological males who identify as female. Further, medical professionals would be mandated to perform gender transition procedures against their conscience or professional opinion. 

 Under any name, the Equality Act intends to normalize dangerous hormone therapies, shockingly permitted in some states without parents even being aware. With these bills, the state is telling private religious citizens, educators, student-athletes, and wedding service providers: "Submit, or else. Your religion be hanged." For those who think the Fairness for All Act (which is essentially Equality Act-lite) will placate the Left, they've got it wrong. LGBT activist groups have already said they object to it. The ACLU, Human Rights Campaign (the nation's largest LGBT advocacy organization), LAMBDA Legal, and GLAAD would simply use that halfway measure as a springboard to push for full enactment of Equality Act policies. LGBT activists are relentless in their push to force all Americans -- including those of faith -- to affirm their ideology. 

Isn't it "touching" that no matter how busy the Family Research Council is attacking women's health or undermining President Biden's attempt to contain the COVID pandemic, the group still finds time to scare the hell out of people about the LGBTQ community in order to fundraise. That's called "coming to the dance with the one who brought you."

If I may, though. Y'all have got to come up with new code words. Claiming that we want to "force all Americans to affirm our ideology" is so 1990s. Get more contemporary. Mention something about Lil Nas X and his 'satan shoes.' 

Also, it's time to discuss giving LGBTQ people a cut of the proceeds. You are using us to make money so a couple of dollars every now and then isn't asking too much.

I'm serious. I got stuff on layaway I need to get out.

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