Monday, July 18, 2022

Conservative columnist exploiting monkeypox to stigmatize LGBTQ community

They simply cannot help themselves. 

From The Advocate:

A conservative columnist is being taken to task for a stigmatizing tweet about monkeypox vaccines. Bethany S. Mandel, who has spoken out against COVID-19 mask mandates and other public health measures, tweeted Monday about people lined up for the MPV vaccine in Brooklyn, N.Y., saying the virus is transmitted only by “sex with strangers.” 

That’s not true. The following is from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: “The virus can spread from person-to-person through: direct contact with the infectious rash, scabs, or body fluids; respiratory secretions during prolonged, face-to-face contact, or during intimate physical contact, such as kissing, cuddling, or sex; touching items (such as clothing or linens) that previously touched the infectious rash or body fluids; pregnant people can spread the virus to their fetus through the placenta.”

The article also said

The current outbreak, which has resulted in 1,814 confirmed U.S. cases by the CDC’s latest count, has been concentrated among men who have sex with men, but public health authorities have stressed that MPV does not discriminate. “Infectious disease knows no boundaries,” Dr. Raj Panjabi, senior director for global health security at the White House, told The Advocate recently, noting that there should be no stigma attached to the virus.

 Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, director of the CDC’s Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, made a similar point in an Advocate interview. “Unfortunately, the virus hit the social network of gay men first, but it will not stay confined to gay men if it spreads,” he said. “Anyone can get it, and anyone can get monkeypox through skin contact with sores, touching objects, and by respiratory. The virus does not discriminate and doesn’t care how or whose body it enters.”

Many in the LGBTQ community have pointed out how certain people and groups are attempting to exploit monkeypox to stigmatize our community in the same manner which happened during the AIDS crisis. Bethany Mandel seems to be doing her best to justify those fears. I doubt she will be the only one. And if others show themselves, they will get handled like she did in the thread.

1 comment:

  1. This is a chance rightwing bigots like Bethany have been dreaming about since their bigoted parents told them about beating up queers in the 1970s and 1980s while ostracizing gay people for HIV.
