Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Who would you trust with your kids? Drag queens or THESE people? Spoiler alert: You'd better pick the drag queens.

Some people who protest Drag Queen Story Hour events are in serious need of adult supervision.

NYC Council member Erik Bottcher did us all a huge favor.

During a very recent protest against a Drag Queen Story Hour event, he filmed the protesters, leading to the title of this post: Who would you trust with your kids? Drag queens or THESE people. Spoiler alert: you had better pick the drag queens. And quick!  These people gravitate between vulgar, pathetic, or too eager to get in the spotlight - particularly the one jumping in front the camera talking about "Trans Against Groomers." Then there is the elderly woman with the mouth so filthy that her language almost burned my ears.

Protesters also vandalized Bottcher's home and office. Two were arrested for criminal trespassing. 

1 comment:

  1. Re: the CREATURE holding the sign that said "Stop the Nonsense; there are only two genders."

    My question is: which one are you?
