Wednesday, March 22, 2023

'I am the parent of a transgender child. What about my parental rights?'

So many conservatives who shout "let kids be kids" and "parents should raise their kids, not the government" are basic hypocrites. All of their prattle is a smokescreen to cover up their prejudices and attempts to undermine the lives and rights of transgender Americans. Their actions against this community belies both their mantras. 

If they actually believed in letting kids be kids and letting parents raise their own kids, they would heed the words of Jennifer Koslow. She is a Florida parent and the mother of a trans child. Legislation proposed in Florida against gender-affirming healthcare would do her family great harm.

She makes her case in The Tallahassee Democrat 

I am the parent of a transgender child. I should have the fundamental right to determine what is in the best interests of my child's health and education. HB 1421 & SB 254 that ban gender-affirming medical care for minors (and put conditions on medical care for adults), HB 1403/SB 1580, "Protections of Medical Conscience," and HB 1223/HB 1069/SB 1320, which expands legislation related to Educational Institutions and Instruction Requirements will all have the same impact. They undermine my parental authority. 

 My family, and no family I know, has ever made a medical decision regarding their transgender child without consulting a team of physicians. Having gender dysphoria is not being "confused." It is a condition where a person's feelings about their body are out of alignment with the physical traits of their body. For some (but not all), gender dysphoria creates extreme distress. 

Thirty years of data on puberty blockers tell us that this is a safe medication to temporarily pause puberty. As transgender children become adolescents, gradually taking gender-affirming hormones is only done as an informed decision for them and their parents. HB 1421 & SB 254 undermines a parent's fundamental right to make medical decisions for their child in consultation with their physicians.

Her entire post deserves a read and a share.

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