Monday, September 18, 2023

'BUSTED! Huff Post exposes cottage industry of 'experts' paid handsomely to defend anti-trans laws' & other Monday news briefs

Inside The Cottage Industry Of ‘Experts’ Paid To Defend Anti-Trans Laws​ - This is a HUGE expose about the 'experts' chosen to testify for anti-trans laws in courts. Not only are they completely clueless on what they testify about, they are racking up big bucks. This should be seen as a big scandal in light of all of the anti-trans legislation being passed around the country. And it will be because we will make it known. 

Mayor speaks out after LibsofTikTok publishes video of him getting spanked by drag queen - Master class in handling bullies - you don't back down. Not an inch. 

Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert Dates Bar Owner Who's Hosted Drag Shows - The same one she was playing "happy hands" with in public. Hypocrisy foul and foul for being generally nasty. 

Tennessee elects its first transgender lawmaker - In case you haven't heard. Good for Tennessee!


  1. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Good on that mayor. Not. One. Step. Back.

  2. Anonymous8:22 AM

    We know that they are lying.

    They know that they are lying.

    They even know that we know they are lying.

    We also know that they know we know they are lying too.

    They of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well...

    ...but they are still lying.

    -Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

    It was true in Russia (Tsarist, Soviet, Ruscist or otherwise), and it's true in America today.
