Monday, May 06, 2024

Video: Top 20 LGBTQ+ Couples on Animated Shows


 This was done 10 months ago, but I saw it only recently and it made me think.

 I'm 53 years-old, so I remember a time before Ellen or Will & Grace or having an openly gay member of the Presidential cabinet. I remember when my local tv station pre-empted a movie called Making Love because of the gay storyline. I remember when someone being openly gay for talk show fodder for days. And I remember "special episodes" of television show which featured a gay friend of the main character, and the plot was generally about him or her coming out and how the main character had to deal with it.  These episodes generally had a happy ending, but it still didn't feel right.

So, this video above is nice. It's a definite reminder of where we came from and how hard we fought to get here.

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