Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Trump's debate disaster - wrecked by Kamala Harris, humiliated on Twitter after telling lie that Haitian immigrants are stealing and eating pets

Democratic presidential nominee (and present VP) Kamala Harris (right) enjoys watching Republican presidential nominee (and former president) Donald Trump (left) thoroughly humiliate himself during Tuesday night's debate.

In case you've been living in a cave and haven't heard about Tuesday night's presidential debate, Vice President Kamala Harris made a lot of people's dream come true. She completely eviscerated Donald Trump. In hindsight, it should have been expected. Harris is a very accomplished woman in spite of all of the lies told about her competence. In contrast, Trump's an idiot, a moron who got into the White House by a combination of a fluke and him being a useful idiot to folks seeing him as a gateway to power.

How good was she? Check out the links:

The debate between Harris and Trump wasn’t close — and 4 other takeaways 

  The Most Satisfying Moment of the Harris-Trump Debate 

Republicans fret Trump debate performance could haunt him at polls in November 

Panicking Trump Has Desperate New Excuse Not to Debate Harris Again 

What will most likely be remembered as the standout moment of the debate was when Trump attempted to slam Harris on immigration by repeating a debunked claim that Haitian immigrants in Ohio are stealing and eating pets. Days before the debate, far right conservatives on social media spread this awful smear. By the time of the debate, it was already thoroughly debunked. However, no one seems to have told Trump (it probably wouldn't have mattered anyway if they had). 

Not only was Trump factchecked by David Muir, one of the moderators, but then Harris proceeded to figuratively pick his bones simply through her facial expression.


And check out just two examples of how folks on Twitter are simply dragging The Donald:


  1. Anonymous10:56 AM

    The GOP has gone insane.

  2. Black Tsunami,
    I am so glad that most people see right through the lies on this and realize how ridiculous his claim about Haitian immigrants eating pets is.
