Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Trump sycophant Franklin Graham accuses bishop of having an 'agenda' after sermon. Says 'Trump stands for truth.'

Donald Trump is furious at Mariann Edgar Budde, the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, for publicly calling out his policies to his face while in the pulpit earlier this week. He's demanding an apology. Budde has refused to give one.

But Trump is not the only person angry at Budde. Pastor Franklin Graham publicly criticized Budde and accused her of having an "agenda."

From Raw Story

During a Wednesday interview on Newsmax, Graham criticized the bishop's Tuesday homily at the National Prayer Service with Trump ."She was wrong to do that," the reverend insisted. "That was really a national forum, a national stage pulpit that she was standing in. And for her to use that for her own political agenda was wrong."

"She is a socialist, activist, LGBTQ+ agenda, and that's, you know, so she's just wrong," he continued. "So these are activists, and no question, they hate Trump. I don't know why they hate Trump. Trump stands for truth."

He also took offense the (accurate) notion that Trump tells lies.

"He doesn't wake up in the morning, I think I'll see how many lies I can tell today," he asserted. "He may get some facts twisted up sometime, but he's not purposely out there lying, misleading people, but this lady is, she's misleading people, and she was wrong, and I would hope that whoever the powers that be would put somebody in the cathedral who doesn't have a political agenda or a sexual political agenda, but just somebody who would be there to open up the word of God and to encourage people to worship God."

Graham's criticism of Budde isn't sincere or truthful

It comes from a need to make excuses for Trump It's what Graham has been doing ever since 2016. As president, Trump made a bunch of political decisions which Graham as agreed with and has appointed many federal judges who shared Graham's conservative views of society (even when some of those judges were deemed unqualified.)

In return, Graham has exploited his own title as a religious leader, his social media access, and the reputation he inherited from his father to serve as bumper when Trump's actions and statements are called into question.

And as you can see by his unbelievable statement that Trump stands for truth, Graham has no problem playing Trump's drooling manservant. Even the point of revealing himself as a hypocrite with an embarrassingly lack of self-respect. 

Below are just a few of the times Graham has debased himself to defend Donald Trump. 

                              Graham even defended Trump's "rigged election lie

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